General Care Assistance by Carers

Personal care provided by qualified carers through assistance, support and prompting of the following; oral hygiene, bed bathing, shower, hair washing, shaving, toileting assistance and continence management, incontinence care, moving & handling, transferring & positioning. This service may be provided at the individual’s home. Selected assistance may also be provided at the school or work setting.

General Nursing Care

General nursing care is provided by a qualified nurse for those individuals with complex needs and require assistance with personal care. Prevention and health promotion will also be provided according to the individual’s requirements.

Preparation and Administration of Oral Treatment

A qualified nurse will prepare and administer treatment according to the individual’s medical prescription. Support can also be provided in prompting to promote compliance to care plan.


Administration of intramuscular and/or subcutaneous injections by a qualified nurse as prescribed by the individual’s medical practitioner.

Catheter Care

Urinary catheter care management will be provided by a qualified nurse. This includes the insertion, removal as well as the care the indwelling catheter. Advice and support will be provided as required to the individual in order to promote continence care.


A qualified nurse will be provided to support the individual with a naso-gastric tube or PEG. The insertion of the NGT will be done by the nurse with a medical note. Care of the NGT, PEG as well as support and advice will be provided to the individual as required.


A qualified nurse will be provided to support the individual with a naso-gastric tube or PEG. The insertion of the NGT will be done by the nurse with a medical note. Care of the NGT, PEG as well as support and advice will be provided to the individual as required.

Diabetes Care

Diabetes care includes the administration of insulin as prescribed by the individual’s medical practitioner as well as blood glucose monitoring, and education on diet, exercise, foot care and health promoting initiatives.

Minor Nursing Procedures

A qualified nurse can provide blood pressure monitoring, blood glucose monitoring, administration of eye/ear/nose drops and other similar procedures.